
Curriculum introduction

Aspen 2 is structured around needs-led curriculum, alongside students being allocated to their classes according to their key stages. The delivery of the curriculum is supported through small size classes, a high staff to student ratio, specialist staff expertise and differentiated or individual programmes. There is a range of class/curriculum group organization which supports the learning needs of all students. There are three different curriculums within five classes:

Semi-Formal Curriculum:

Literacy is at the core of our curriculum. Our Literacy strategy has been developed for our student body and incorporates the past experiences of our students and the negative effect of Covid – 19 on literacy development. Our strategy ensures that each student is provided with individual literacy support and aims for all students to leave DCCA functional in comprehension and communication through reading, writing and speaking and listening skills.

Key Stage 3 Formal Curriculum

Key Stage 3 students working at the top end of the K levels and National Curriculum related expectations. 3 Year rolling programme following a formal curriculum with National Curriculum objectives which have been broken into smaller objectives Kent Special Schools. • We have adapted many of subjects and topics to reflect the needs of our students, whilst ensuring challenge and progress. Subjects covered include: Literacy, Numeracy, PSHE / Sex Education, ICT, Science, Geography, History, Art, Catering, DT, Creative Arts rotation

Semi -Formal 

This class is for our learners for whom a more informal approach to the curriculum is appropriate, including a different approach to accredited pathways through the use of EQUALS Moving On qualifications.

Students follow are broad and balanced curriculum with areas defined slightly differently for ease of access. These areas include: Communication and Literacy, Numeracy, Expressive Arts, Personal Social Emotional Development, Physical Development. Student numbers are smaller in this class, whilst staff numbers are higher. Students are able to access learning in our other classes if they excel in a particular area. They also attend Catering, Drama Music and Dance lessons in the main academy team taught by specialist teachers in those subjects.

Key Stage 4 / 5 Accredited Curriculum

Students follow a Formal Accredited curriculum including functional and vocational skills to prepare them for adulthood and pathways leading to a college placement or to employment. Students participate in a range of courses and activities building up a portfolio of evidence to support accredited learning at a level to suit their learning needs and ability. Current qualifications include:  AQA Functional skills English, Maths and Science; BCS Essential Digital Skills for Work,  ICT;  ASDAN Short course PSHE; OCR Life and Living; OCR PE; BTEC Home Cooking; some students are able to follow a GCSE/BTEC option included in the main academy if this is suitable. 

Formal Curriculum

Accredited Curriculum